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Functional Nutrition 

Do you have chronic health conditions you want to get to the bottom of such as

GI discomfort, IBS/IBD, gas, bloating; Skin issues, eczema, allergies; Fatigue/brain fog; Hormone issues, autoimmune or metabolic conditions.


Do you want to get to the 'root cause' of your health concern


Then these appointments are for you.


We will spend more time together looking at your past history, your current challenges and goals for the future.  


These appointments require you to fill out an initial detailed health history intake form and 3 day food diary prior to your first appt. 


Initial Consult:

90 minutes $145: complete health history, I listen to your story and we begin the process of unraveling your symptoms. We will talk about immediate attainable lifestyle and nutritional changes you can make. 

You will go home with a detailed plan outlining specific food recommendations, lifestyle and environment modifications  


Second visit:

60 min. $125 Usually 1 month later. We will discuss any positive changes from the initial changes made and develop a more comprehensive plan moving forward which may include a more comprehensive nutrition plan, additional functional testing, supplements or referral to other health practitioners. 


Additional visits

60 min $125 Ongoing support, changes as necessary 


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